Tailored Micro Diffuser (TMD®) Technology
WFT has been servicing the Architectural and General Lighting Markets since 2002 with the application of Tailored Micro Diffuser (TMD®) technology to acrylic, polycarbonate and PET plate/film. TMD’s have significant advantages over traditional glass bead diffusers in light transmission and efficiency. TMD technology utilizes a designed micro-surface to control and manage light. WFT has an extensive library of TMD patterns to create different viewing angles, viewing profiles and transmissions and can create custom effects in our Holography Lab. WFT supplies the most advanced light management capability (TMD Technology) to diverse markets such as high end display, outdoor, custom pool/spa, industrial and elite architectural lighting. TMD technology has been successfully utilized for light management systems in the very high end architectural lighting market for over 8 years. With the emergence of the LED lighting market, TMD technology is even more desirable. Below are some graphics that display how TMD light management works:

LED Lighting
It is projected that the LED lighting market will grow at almost 37% over the next few years. High-brightness (HB) LED’s have demonstrated dramatic improvements in performance in recent years at significant cost reductions. As a result, LED’s are undergoing a period of rapid growth in a variety of lighting applications. The largest lighting applications for HB LED’s are architectural lighting followed by specialty contour lighting (exterior), industrial lighting and portable consumer lighting. WFT’s TMD technology is tailor made to maximize the potential of the HB LED market. Below are some graphics that display the capability of WFT TMD Technology when utilized with LED light arrays: